Foto Kvartals 6/2008-3/2009 sissejuhatus (00:24) Indrek Grigor Tekst: Laura Elcere. Photography as a Dried Frog, Kidnapped Time and Translation from Reality. Foto: Ilmars Zvirgzds
Foto Kvartals 3/2009
Foto: Jelena Glazkova series Female Identification 2007-
Foto Kvartals 2/2009 (03:03)
Foto: Romain Forquy. Segments
Foto: Uldis Balga. Apotheosis. From the series Radiator. 1986
Pause. From the series Radiator. 1986
Capitulation. From the series Radiator. 1986
0121. From the series Memories about a Radiator 2005.
0137. From the series Memories about a Radiator 2005.
Foto: Vidvuds Zviedris. Shibam, Yemen. 2007
Night and Radoio (segatehnika) 2008
teisipäev, juuli 28, 2009
Foto Kvartals 6/2008-3/2009
Tekst: Maija Rudovska Between Romanticism, Concepts and Feminism
Tekst: Marion Duquerroy. Mapping the performance: Romain Forquy and Philip Lee’s „Segments“
Foto Kvartals 6/2008 (04:27) Tekst: Laura Feldberga. Drama of Objects
Foto: Uldis Balga. Black Diagonal. From the series Radiator. 1986
Foto: Uldis Balga. 0117. From the series Memories about a Radiator 2005.
Foto: Uldis Balga. 0220. From the series Memories about a Radiator 2005.
Tekst: Zane Onckule. Pure Photography and a Divine Touch of the Brush
Artishok Records,
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