Riias on hetkel käimas Kunstipäevade nimeline festival, kus Eestit esindab Margit Lõhmus.
Margiti fotoprojekt on leitav nii linnaruumis kui Vidzemesi turul asuvas hüljatud lihapaviljonis, mis on üks festivali ametlikest ekspositsioonipindadest.
Festival ise on veel sisutühjem kui oli omaaegne Tartu Kunstikuu, kuid näitusepinnana kasutatavad bürood, mis asuvad Läti Kunstnike Liidule kuuluvas kütmata ning üürnike poolt hüljatud majas, eriti aga lihahall, väärivad ruumidena siiski külastamist.
At the ongoing festival Riga Art Days Estonia is represented by Margit Lõhmus. Her photo project can be found all around the city and at one of the official exhibition sites, which is situated in an abandoned meat pavillion at Vidzemes market.
The Festival itself is not much of an event, but the exhibition spaces, due to the switched off heating abandoned bureaus of the building belonging to the Latvian Artists` Union, and especially the meat market deserve a visit solely as spaces.
Somewhere at the end of Tērbata iela in front of an electrical substation.
Policeman: "What exactly is this?"
Looks at the sticker which was just, under his eyes glued on the door of the substation.
Curator: "It's a self critical autoportrait."
Policeman: "Ahah."
Curator (silently to himself): "Thank God International Art English works everywhere. Even in Latvia."
Fotod: Margit Lõhmus ja Indrek Grigor.
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