teisipäev, jaanuar 11, 2011

Tulevik juba täna

Pildireportaazh Pärnu In Graafika raames toimunud rahvusvahelisest graafilise disaini näitusest Futurism.

Kuraator Marko Kekishev.

Anna Naumova

Artem Gridin

4x Eric Belousov

2x Igor Gurovich

Ira Yuzhanina

Marko Kekishev

Martin Pedanik

Martin Rästa

Margus Tamm

Janek Murd

1 kommentaar:

Anonüümne ütles ...

It said something was infected but it disappeared before i could read it. I use Avast...It may or may not be part of the avast VRBD (Virus Recovery Database) Is this something with Avast or maybe something with my pc?? Can anyone tell me what this is and how to get back to it so I can read what it said.