teisipäev, veebruar 02, 2010

AVAMAA ootab ettepanekuid / waits for you!

Rahvusvaheline kunsti- ja ideedesümpoosion AVAMAA
16.-21.august 2010, Mooste, Eesti

Avamaa on mitme-eesmärgine, valdkondadevaheline, segameediumite kontekstispetsiifiline loovsekkumistega kunsti- ja sotsiaalsündmus. AVAMAA on 5- päeva kestev intensiivne loovnädal, workshopide ja kunstiprojektidega + 1 päev esitluste, näituste ja Mesi kõrvadele kontserdiga. AVAMAA 2010 toimub koostöös X-OPiga, järk-järguliselt kasvava kunstnike, uurijate, produtsentide ja kultuuriinstitutsioonide üle-euroopalise võrgustikuga.

Märksõnad: koostöö, avatud struktuurid, kogukond,kontekstispetsiifika, teadmistejagamine, avalik ruum, eksperimentaalsed platvormid.

Loe edasi (English version also follows!):

AVAMAA toimub, kolmandat korda. Kuigi ammutades kogemusi varasematest MoKSi sümpoosionitest (Avamaa 2008 ja 2009 ning Postsovkhoz 1-6) on ta iga kord üllatav, olles tundlik muutuvate kohalike ja globaalsete olude suhtes. Olud Eesti maapiirkondades pakuvad mitmeid võimalusi elamiseks, siin on ohtralt vaba ja kasutamata ruumi, stimuleerivaid ideid ja
ettepanekuid otsivaid kohalikke kogukondi. Koos nende võimalustega on vajadus loovateks eksperimentideks, kriitiliseks analüüsiks ja diskussiooniks küsimuste üle, mis puudutab kunstipraktikate ja avaliku- era ruumi uusi avaldumisvorme.

Mida oodata... 6 -päevane sündmus lähtub varasematest MoKSi korralduskogemustest, korraldajad julgustatavad koostööd kohaliku kogukonna ja ajutise kunstnikekogukonna vahel. Osapoolte kaasatus saab võimalikuks läbi kavandatud tegevuskeskuste külaruumis, töötubade ja

AVAMAA esitab:

väljakutse eksklusiivsele kultuurile, läbi kaasava osaluse küsimusi kunstniku rollile, loova väljenduse vahenditele ja meetoditele.

Ootame eksperimentaatorite ettepanekuid workshopide korraldamiseks ja kunstiprojektide teosamiseks AVAMAA raames. Ettepanekud peaksid sisaldama:

- idee teostamise kirjeldust

- projekti eelarvet

- vajaminevaid materjale ja vahendeid

- autori(te) CVd

Taotluste esitamistähtaeg on 1.märts 2010

Taotlusvoorus väljavalitutele kaetakse toit ja majutus sümpoosioni vältel ning projekti teostamiseks vajalikud kulutused (lähtuvalt esitatud eelarvest)


Evelyn Müürsepp (+372) 5 138 599 John Grzinich (+372) 5 138 457

Call for proposals:

AVAMAA 16-21. August, 2010, Mooste Estonia

AVAMAA is a 5 Day art symposium which includes: - artistic workshops and artistic projects +1 Day final exhibition and "Honey for the Ears" live concert and performance evening. This year AVAMAA will be produced in cooperation with X-OP, a gradually growing network of artists,
researchers, operators, producers and cultural institutions with the aim to establish an European platform for the creation of art.

Keywords: Collaboration, Open Structures, Community, Site-Specific, Knowledge Sharing, Public Space, Experimental platforms.

AVAMAA a multi-purpose, cross-discipline, mixed-media context-specific artistic and social event of creative interventions. AVAMAA encourages the exchange of ideas and the realization of short term artistic projects within a 6 day event. The concept of AVAMAA builds on the
experiences of the previous MoKS symposium (known as PostsovkhoZ, that ran from
2001-2006), yet strives to adapt to the changing conditions in both the global and local context.

The current conditions of rural Estonia offer a number of possibilities, with its surplus of open space and need for new ideas and projects to stimulate local communities environments. Yet with these possibilities there is also a need for creative experimentation, critical analysis
and discussion on issues regarding the development of artistic practices and new forms of public and private space.

What to expect... The 6 day event, taking experiences from previous MoKS events, attempts to instigate cooperative activities between the local community and the temporary international artistic community. MoKS events have always encouraged cooperation of Estonian artists, the local community in the village of Mooste and artists from abroad. Involvement will become real through the planned places of activity (village central square, farm buildings, open spaces) workshops and projects (ex. joint workshops with children or village theatre). AVAMAA challenges exclusionary culture through inclusive participation and challenges the role of the artist and their means and methods of creative expression.

The premise is to host workshops and projects that:

* Involve a certain number of the participants and/or people from the local community
* Relate to the context of Mooste either socially or environmentally (this can also be a prearranged site like the silo tower)
* contribute to the overall structure of the event (to make it more self-sustained). For general participants and volunteers this can include practical things like helping with cooking and cleaning.
* experiment with forms of artistic and social collaboration between the different elements of the event (workshop and project leaders, volunteers, guest participants, villagers etc.)

The dates for AVAMAA 2010 are August 16-21. For these dates MoKS covers food and accommodation and travel costs within Estonia for artists leading projects and workshops.

Deadline for workshop and project proposals is March 1st, 2010

Proposals must include a clearly written concept and plan for implementation including any required materials of budget costs.

Upon acceptance MoKS can assist with necessary invitation letters for artists requesting supplementary funding.

http://moks.ee, http://x-op.eu

Evelyn Müürsepp (+372) 5 138 599
John Grzinich (+372) 5 138 457
moks (at) moks.ee

Mooste 64616
Põlva maakond

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