esmaspäev, mai 21, 2007

Monty Cantsin ja Geoffrey Cohen Tartus

Rahvusvahelise muuseumiöö raames 19. mai hilisõhtul viidi Tartu Kunstimuuseumi Viltuses majas läbi PERFORMANCE`I PRAKTILINE LÜHIKURSUS, mida juhendasid Monty Cantsin ja Geoffrey Cohen.

Korrektse akadeemilise veerandi järel lubati rahvas saalidesse ning Monty Cantsin (vasakul) ja Geoffrey Cohen (paremal) tutvustasid külastajatele sissejuhatuseks etappe, mis huvilistel oma performancekunsti oskuste lihvimiseks läbida tuleb.

Ülesandeid oli kolm:


Penetrating the picture
One of the canons of postmodernism says, that everything has already been said and we currently do no more than cite the past. But by citing you can also create new quality. Therefore, go draw, but not just on a two dimensional canvas, but at the same time create new dimensions to the picture. Create space on your own – dissect the two dimensions by inserting them into a boundless dynamism. Old texts need rewriting, old pictures, rethinking. Both processes desribe dissecting and cutting up. Every description is a new text that oposes the described one. The act on dissecting becomes a performance in itself, constituting itself in activity, not in stasis, in boundlessness, not in borders. Exactly as a surgeon, does the performance artist free the art from the tumour of pathos, cutting the object into a subject.


Proper Throwing Techniques
Plant the pack foot, on the side of your throwing arm, and step with the front foot toward the stage.

Anxiety of performing on stage is manageable. It is just your body that feels embattled – there is nothing wrong with it. Most excellent performance artists feel the same every time they go on stage. Therapists of theater and performing arts have developed a method to prevail this troubling feeling. It is simple – anxiety has to be channeled out with physical activity. One of the most common techniques is throwing wine-bottles on stage.


The purpose of this exercise is to overcome ones bodily perceptions and find total inner balance. In the final step in the process of becoming an excellent performance artist you have to concentrate on the feelings and emotions inside you. You have already fired out tension and now you have full control over your body. Unite the strength of your body with the emotions and feelings inside your heart. Instincts and morality will unify in this meditation. If one masters his inner balance, one masters the world.

Ö - exercise is to help you become master of performance art

To form the Ö sound, say a long English "e" sound (as in "dead"), and then purse your lips as you say it, and it becomes a bit like "ea" in English "earn".

Sissejuhatuse järel asusid agarad õpilased, pärast väikest valehäbi pausi Monty Cantsin`i juhendusel klassikuid lõikuma.

Klassika purustamisele järgnes klaasi purustamine Geoffrey Cohen`i valvsa pilgu all.

Ja lõpuks, peab tunnistama, et tõepoolest kõige raskem Ö ülesanne.

Kusjuures kohati tekkisid kabiinide taha suisa järjekorrad
Kursuse õnnestumisest andis märku asjaolu, et mitmed inimesed pöördusid hiljem esimese ülesande juurde tagasi ning lahendasid seda juba märksa loomingulisemalt.

Inimesed tungisid ka ise pilti.
Lihtsa kastratsiooni riitusega alanud tööst sai lõpuks midagi surmaingli taolist.
Ning ka elupõline kunstiteadlane, kellele kunsti-lõikumine muidu kuidagi hinge ei mahtunud, haaras lõpuks noa järele.
Arvestades kursuse läbinute arvu, on Tartus peagi loota suuremat performance kunsti lainet.

Raporteeris Indrek Grigor.

2 kommentaari:

Anonüümne ütles ...

Can you say kitch?

Anonüümne ütles ...
